Global Peacefulness Program is a worldwide NGO programme established in 2019 to provide PEACEFULNESS Mastery Training for individuals and organisations.
Global Peacefulness Program will promote PERSONAL Peace of Mind for people and COMMUNAL Peace of Life for the World, work to get billions of us to commit to the PERSONAL and COMMUNAL Pledges of PEACEFULNESS, campaign for the World Day of Peace (21 September) to be celebrated by all as The DAY of Global PEACEFULNESS for us all, individually and communally.
Global Peacefulness Program is currently operating from a designated Global Head Office in LONDON, England, UK. We project to have Continental Head Offices, as well as Regional and National Offices in the next phases of our operations.
Training Programmes
Countries Covered
tHE Global Peacefulness Training
The Conceptualization of
The Global PEACEFULNESS Organisation or TheGPOrg
To rid HUMANITY and EARTH of UnPeacefullness
To lay the Foundation For Personal & Global PEACEFULNESS through Education
Spreading the Message of PEACEFULNESS Worldwide, Locally, Nationally, Regionally, Continentally and Globally, at Personal and Communal Levels for the 25:2025 Target (25 Million Champions by 2025)
get trained for peacefulness
Global Peacefulness
An exceptional dynamic, pragmatic and strategic Teacher, Nurse,
An enthusiastic nurse, teacher and manager with a portfolio of current education, clinical and management practice.
A trained qualified professional Teacher, who after obtaining a Specialist Teacher’s Certificate in Mathematics.